Meniscus Conservation

What are conservative measures for the meniscus?

Conservative measures are non-surgical approaches that are often used as the first line of treatment. Many patients will see improvement in the pain and knee function without undergoing an invasive procedure. Initial examples include rest, ice, compression and elevation. Anti-inflammatory prescriptions, physical therapy and pain relief injections are also examples of doctor mediated conservative measures.

What are anti-inflammatory medications?

Areas of the joint can sometimes become inflamed after experiencing an injury, accident or from repetitive use of the joint. Medication can be helpful to treat mild to moderate pain and to also reduce inflammation. However, these medications should not be taken for an extended period of time.

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy involves working with a professional that specializes in knee pathology. It involves strengthening the muscles around the knee joint, increasing flexibility and maintaining range of motion in order to decrease stress and inflammation in the knee joint.

What are intra-articular injections?

Intra-articular injections are administered into the space within the knee joint. Cortisone, hyaluronic acid, or platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections can be made directly into the knee joint to provide pain and inflammation relief. An ultrasound can also be used at the time the injection is performed in order to make sure a specific area is targeted to maximize the therapeutic outcomes.

What is a partial meniscectomy?

Partial meniscectomies are among the most common orthopaedic procedures performed annually. They are utilized for meniscal tears that cannot be adequately repaired. A meniscal tear may not be a candidate for meniscal repair due to a combination of factors including the tear type, the overall quality of the meniscal tissue, the tear location, and the patient’s specific goals. During the minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery, the edges of the meniscal tear are shaved until only a smooth edge remains. This will minimize any pain or functional symptoms caused by the meniscal tear. Throughout the procedure, every effort is made to minimize the amount of meniscal tissue that is removed.